Being Human Church is a humanist church helping us to Be Better so humanity can Survive and Thrive. Our church provides a novel trio of features: a clear purpose, a supportive community, and a consistent philosophy. This is church 2.0.
Our Mission: Improve ourselves, our communities, and as a species to survive and thrive.

- We welcome anyone to our humanist church who works to help humanity Survive and Thrive.
- We build inclusive communities deliberately because we are better together.
- We engage in our mission from the human perspective – without dogma or mysticism.
- We examine our existence through science and skepticism. Doubt is our foundation.
- We pursue learning and progress while letting go of being “right.”
- We focus on the infinite game over the finite one.
We are a humanist community working to improve the world around us and foster a resilient, productive, educated, and a skeptical citizenry connected to their communities – so humanity can survive and thrive.
Western society today appears to be decaying under the weight of chaotic growth, wildly unequal resource distribution, political division, and inadequate environmental stewardship. Despite technology and communication advances, we seem to be more disconnected from each other, our communities, and our political systems. Continuing on this path could lead to increased resource inequality, faction conflict, instability, and the demise of the human race. This scenario may seem rather apocalyptic, but becomes easier to envision as political division rises, discourse disappears, class/race/gender conflict grows, and extreme weather events wreak havoc on our civilization.
The Being Human philosophy and church operation is designed to provide three features to human society:
- 1. Purpose – Promote humanity surviving and thriving
- 2. Community – Increase human connection by deliberately building community
- 3. Consistency – Provide a consistent ethical framework that helps us understand why this purpose and human community are necessary for humans to survive and thrive.
As we continue to grow, we look to build bastions of humanity surrounding each of our churches. We will not only provide the philosophical and counseling services of a traditional church, but will also serve as the central cultural anchors that traditional churches once provided. With a renewed community focal point, we envision neighborhoods engaging once more in civics, self-sufficiency, collaboration, innovation, and basic human interaction.
Next, we expand the village center concept by planning to offer educational services, collaboration areas, and maker spaces to foster the innovation we need to solve the human problems of today and the future.
As the future of work changes, humanity needs a new framework through which we can understand our purpose and place. Our jobs and careers will no longer define our worth as there will not be enough work for our population. We still need a way to structure our lives and interact with our fellow humans. Otherwise, we risk retreating to our screen-lined fortresses in fear of the “other” we never took the chance to meet.
If we liken human society today to an operating system, then it was built by competing teams with unclear objectives. In the past, the OS was functional enough to help us interpret our world’s data such as population, economy, and environment. However, our previous OS cannot help us understand the overwhelming amount and the rapidly changing nature of data today. The Being Human philosophical framework, then, is a dramatically upgraded HumanOS built not on faith or fear, but on reason, skepticism, and science.
As software proliferates through and changes the world, so too must a new HumanOS reform and replace the old if we want to keep up with our changing world.
This transition marks a critical point in human history. We must make the move from playing finite games to infinite ones. In the old OS, winning meant gathering the most money, resources, etc. for your family before you died. In the new OS, we must play to keep the game going – we play to keep humanity in existence. As humans developed, resources were scarce. Today, we could feed and house every human on the planet. The only reason we don’t is that we’re interpreting our data through an outdated OS. If we make the transition to a post-scarcity, infinite game mindset, then there is no limit to what the human race can achieve.
We hope you will join us in this human vision of the future. If you are interested in participating in the conversation, please visit or view one of our services, read our philosophy through our reflections, or engage our community on Facebook.